was created by an independent cam model for independent cam models and their fans! We are just getting started!

What is an indie cam model? An indie cam model is a cam model who does independent cam shows, one-on-one and threesome+ shows. Cam models who do these types of shows will use an app or program such as Discord to perform shows.

Many cam models will do livestreaming on sites where they will be performing for sometimes hundreds or thousands at a time and only go one-on-one at times on the same platform. Some indie cam models might do livestreaming as well as independent. Independent cam shows tend to be a more intimate and catered experience vs livestreaming.

What is this site all about? This site was created to connect lovers of indie cam models to models!

IndieCamModels is run by Mike and Lucy, who also run Anyone interested in working with us is welcome to reach out.

If you are a cam model and would like to be interviewed or have an article idea you’d like to run by us for publication, please reach out as well. We will never pressure you to work with us and are happy to promote any and all of your links on this site!

Email us at

For the lovers and fans of independent cam models, we hope you’ll stick around and visit again!

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